Praxis Watch

Wednesday, 16 October 2013

Ministry of Interior Adopted the Instruction Related to Registration of Permanent Residence of Citizens at the Address of Social Welfare Centre

By the act issued on 20 July 2013, the Ministry of Interior provided the explanation to all organizational units in relation to acting upon the requests of citizens for registration of permanent residence at the address of the institution in which they are permanently accommodated or social welfare centre in the respective territory. The Instruction was adopted with an aim to standardize and synchronize the acting of institutions, precisely social welfare centres and police administrations considering that the previous period was marked by inconsistent implementation of the law in practice.

Specifically, the Instruction envisages that an employee dealing with administrative affairs in the police administration/station, precisely the one receiving the requests for registration of permanent residence at the address of the institution in which the submitter is permanently accommodated or social welfare centre in the respective territory, fills in the form for the registration of permanent residence and determines the identity of the person who submits the request.

After determining the identity of the person, the employee takes the statement from that person in relation to circumstances of the registration of permanent residence at the address of the institution or social welfare centre and conducts checking through electronic and manual records of permanent and temporary residence of citizens. If checking conducted through records shows that a person does not have permanent or temporary residence registered in the territory of the Republic of Serbia, it is necessary to conduct the field check in order to determine whether the submitter of request really lives in the territory of the competent institution or social welfare centre.

After the field check, the filled form for the registration of permanent residence is delivered officially to the competent institution or social welfare centre for verification. Upon receiving the signed and sealed form for the registration of permanent residence, it is necessary, in the presence of the submitter, to fill in the form for registration/de-registration of permanent residence, bring a decision on determination of residence at the address of the institution or social welfare centre and enter the registration of permanent residence into the electronic records of permanent or temporary residence of citizens.

See: Ministry of Interior Adopted New Rules of Procedure of Registration and De-registration of Permanent and Temporary Residence of Citizens
Download: Instruction of the Ministry of Labour, Employment and Social Policy for Acting of Social Welfare Centres in Relation to Registration of Permanent Residence at the Address of Social Welfare Centre

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Praxis means action
Praxis means action