Praxis Watch

Monday, 25 February 2013

Example of Good Practice of the Registry Office Savski Venac

One-month old E.C., whose mother did not possess ID card, which often represents a problem, was successfully registered in the birth registry book in the Registry Office Savski Venac.

The mother of the child is an internally displaced person from Kosovo who, in addition to IDP card, also possesses birth and citizenship certificates, while the father of the child has all necessary documentation. Two weeks before the registration of E.C. in the birth registry book, the parents tried to conduct the birth registration procedure but the lack of the mother’s ID card represented an obstacle to the birth registration.

After the consultation of Praxis lawyers and employees of the Registry Office Savski Venac, successful solution was achieved. Upon checking with the Commissariat for Refugees, the mother’s IDP card served as the identification document, and parents of E.C. were referred to give statement on the birth registration of the child and recognition of paternity before the competent municipal services, with Praxis lawyer also present. In that way, the procedure of registration in birth registry book was successfully conducted within the legal deadline of 30 days upon the birth of the child. The good will of acting officials to eliminate formal legal flaws, aimed at protection of prevailing interest, the child’s interest, which usually is not a case when the mother lacks ID card, is utterly commendable.

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