Praxis Watch

Friday, 18 January 2013

Registration of Permanent Residence at the Address of Social Welfare Centre Kraljevo – Good Practice

Soon after the enforcement of the Rulebook of procedure for registration of permanent residence at the address of social welfare centre (CSR), which closely regulates the stated possibility of the registration of permanent residence, twenty-one year old M.Z., an internally displaced person from Kosovo in 1999, was registered at the address of SWC Kraljevo in accordance with the provisions of the new Law on Permanent and Temporary Residence of Citizens.

Newly adopted regulations express the intention of the legislator to remove the obstacles arising from the factual impossibility of the registration of permanent residence, which mainly affects the most endangered population categories. The procedure conducted before CSR Kraljevo is surely an example of good practice and a sign of good will of competent services to find an efficient and applicable solution for the persons from the stated category. Even though the cases of the registration of permanent residence at the address of SWC are not numerous, we do hope that this practice will be established.

Once she regulated the issue of permanent residence, M.Z. obtained ID card with validity date of 10 years, what enabled her to access socioeconomic and other rights. Procedures before CSR Kraljevo and Police Department Kraljevo were conducted without difficulties, which should serve as an example of good practice.


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