Praxis Watch

Thursday, 31 March 2016

Migration Status Recognized as a Ground of Discrimination in Educational Institutions

During the public discussion on the Regulation on detailed criteria for the recognition of discrimination by an employee, child, student, or third party in the educational institution (“The Official Gazette of RS, no. 22/2016), Praxis suggested that migration status should be entered as a ground of discrimination. Specifically, prior to the adoption, the Regulation was part of the public discussion, and civil society organizations, as well as other relevant authorities, had an opportunity to comment on the draft.  

The submitted comment was accepted, and the Regulation, which was finally adopted after seven years in March 2016, became thus the first legal act in Serbia that explicitly recognizes the migration status as the ground of discrimination. Bearing in mind the current migrant crisis, identifying migrant status as a ground of discrimination is of great importance, and its inclusion in other relevant documents is the essential precondition for the creation of a responsible and just society.

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