Social & Economic rights

Thursday, 21 June 2012

European Network on Statelessness Established

The European Network on Statelessness started as a joint initiative of Asylum Aid, the Equal Rights Trust, the Hungarian Helsinki Committee, the Open Society Justice Initiative, Praxis, and the Statelessness Programme at Tilburg University.

The Steering Committee of the Network met in July 2011 for the first time. Now, eleven months later, we are proud to officially launch this initiative.

The European Network on Statelessness encourages regional and international institutions to address statelessness within their respective mandates. We also urge countries in the region to adopt policies to prevent and reduce statelessness, and to provide protection to stateless persons.

In order to build capacity among policy makers and civil society organisations in Europe, the Network provides training and expert advice, as well as a forum for dedicated research, monitoring and exchange of information on statelessness.

The European Network on Statelessness is open to non-governmental organisations, research centres, academics and other individuals.


Download: European Network Statelessness Launch Announcement

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Praxis means action
Praxis means action
Praxis means action
Praxis means action