
Tuesday, 1 January 2008

Praxis Signed a Project Agreement with Catholic Relief Services




Praxis and Catholic Relief Services (CRS) signed the agreement on implementation of the projects “Legal Protection of Refugees, Displaced Persons and Asylum Seekers in Montenegro” and “Addressing Legal Concerns and Risk of Statelessness of Persons of Concern to UNHCR in Montenegro”, from January - December 2008. The aim of the projects is to increase legal and social inclusion of the displaced residing in Montenegro, especially Roma, Ashkali and Egyptian communities, so that they could fully enjoy their basic human rights, to reduce the number of legally invisible persons and increase awareness of the RAE communities and local authorities for the need and importance of civil registration.

In the implementation of this project Praxis will closely cooperate with CRS’ operational partner Legal Center, Podgorica and assist them in obtaining documents and procedures of subsequent registration/re-registration into registry books for the displaced currently residing in Montenegro.




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Praxis means action