Education & Training

Thursday, 23 December 2010

Workshops for Internally Displaced Women and Refugee Women

Praxis organized two workshops for internally displaced women. One was held in the collective centre ORA Sartid in Radinac (15 November 2010), Municipality of Smederevo. Another workshop was organized in Nis (22 December 2010) in cooperation with IDP association Happy Family. During the workshops, women were acquainted with the phenomenon of domestic violence and state institutions responsible for provision of protection against violence. A total of 38 women participated in workshops.

Furthermore, in cooperation with the Regional Centre of Civic Action Lingua, Praxis organized a workshop for refugee women in Kraljevo (1 November 2010). A total of 19 refugee women, who live in collective centres and in private accommodation in the vicinity of Kraljevo, took part in the workshop.

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Praxis means action
Praxis means action
Praxis means action
Praxis means action