What is Praxis

What is Praxis?


Praxis is a national non-governmental organization established in 2004 in Belgrade that protects human rights by providing legal protection and advocating for elimination of systemic obstacles in access to rights.

Praxis acts in the area of status and socioeconomic rights, antidiscrimination, gender equality, migration, child rights and public administration reform.
In addition to providing free legal aid, Praxis achieves its goals through monitoring of  public policies, research, analysis and advocating for systemic solutions and the elimination of obstacles to accessing rights by raising awareness of the problems faced by marginalized and socially excluded communities attempting to integrate, educational outreach, publishing of reports, and providing expert support for reforms, as well as through networking and cooperation.


A society free from marginalization, where individuals can exercise their rights without discrimination.


Through a human rights based approach, Praxis aims to help vulnerable groups to secure and exercise their rights so that systemic obstacles may be removed and equality for all may be realized.   


Values on which Praxis establishes its work are: integrity, professionalism, responsibility, team work, creativity, persistence and sustainability in overcoming obstacles and problems, commitment to achievement of measurable and tangible results, oriented to target groups and their trust, solidarity and sensitivity for problems and needs of target groups, respect for their dignity and position, appreciation, promotion of difference, gender equality, independence from political or any other influence, openness to other civil society organizations, associations, institutions and individuals working for the same or similar goals and promoting the civil society values.


Praxis has defined a total of 6 strategic goals.

Praxis’ strategic goals referring to the obligation of respect for human rights and improved access to guaranteed rights of targeted groups are the following:

  • Exercise of status, socioeconomic and other rights in accordance with international standards and principles of good governance through providing free legal aid, policy monitoring and advocating for elimination of systemic obstacles;
  • Preventing and combating discrimination through raising awareness and education, providing free legal aid to victims of discrimination and advocating for systemic solutions;
  • Achieving gender equality through providing free legal aid to survivors of domestic violence and improvement of sustainable solutions for implementation of regulations and policies;
  • Improving the position of migrants through policy monitoring, administering free legal aid and advocating for systemic solutions in this area;
  • improving the position of children through policy monitoring and advocating for systemic solutions in accordance with international standards in the best interest of the child;

Praxis’ last strategic goal refers to internal development and improvement of Praxis’ capacities:

  • Continuous development of Praxis’ organizational capacities (personal and professional development of individuals, improvement and development of good practice and communication).


Programme areas AND key activities

Praxis’ programmes have been defined as a way to respond to current needs and problems in the area of status and socioeconomic rights, protection from discrimination, gender equality, the rights of the child, as well as protection of the rights of migrants.

Over the years, Praxis has developed cooperation with beneficiaries and relevant stakeholders within Serbia and abroad. Praxis will continue cooperating with formal and informal, national, regional and international networks and coalition of civil society organizations, experts and institutions. Development and establishment of new strategic partnerships will be one of Praxis’ priorities in the following period.

We have identified five key activity areas:

  • Provision of free legal aid
  • Monitoring of policies, regulations, strategies and legislation
  • Research to produce new information and to help shape our programmes
  • Awareness raising and advocacy to strengthen knowledge base to bring about change in attitudes, actions, policies and laws
  • Capacity building and education to brainstorm, create, implement and follow through with ideas and actions in order to have sustainable change

A word on the term "praxis" 

The name praxis comes from an ancient Greek word which means action. It also means to translate an idea into action: "a hard theory to put into practice".

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Praxis means action
Praxis means action
Praxis means action
Praxis means action