
Thursday, 27 June 2013

Study Visit of Burma Lawyers and Activists to Praxis

On 27 June 2013, Praxis was visited by a group of 10 Burma lawyers and activists within their two-week study visit to Serbia supported by Civil Rights Defenders. On that occasion, the visitors discussed with Praxis representatives about Praxis goals and mission, experience in relation to provision of free legal assistance, strategic litigation and advocating for changes or adoption of systemic solutions that would enable respect for human rights of the marginalized population groups.

The problems related to registration in birth registry books and exercise of the right to citizenship, and various strategies implemented by civil society organizations aimed at their solution were also the subject of discussion. In addition, the visitors expressed special interest in Praxis field work and organization of mobile legal teams. The use of methods of strategic litigation was presented through cases which Praxis conducted in the area of protection against discrimination and exercise of the right to adequate housing.

The participants assessed the visit as useful and presented experience as the basis for development of new legal strategies in their organizations.

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Praxis means action
Praxis means action
Praxis means action
Praxis means action