
Friday, 8 January 2016

Students of the University of Hong Kong Visited Praxis

On 5 January 2016, Praxis was visited by 33 students of the University of Hong Kong, members of the World University Service, The University of Hong Kong Branch - WUSHKUB. WUSHKUB scope of activity is focused on promotion of cultural exchange, human rights, current political issues and equal opportunities for all.

The representatives of Praxis presented the situation of human rights in Serbia and problems faced by the most vulnerable groups. The students were especially interested in international relations, gender equality, the situation of Roma and relations between Serbia and Kosovo.

The students presented us the situation of human rights of ethnic minorities and the situation in regard to gender equality in Hong Kong. Specifically, 95% of the population of Hong Kong is Chinese, and 5% ethnic minorities (Indians, Pakistanis, Indonesians, Japanese and Thais). The largest social distance is towards the Indians and Indonesians because of the color of their skin. Also, there are approximately 10,000 refugees from Syria and other Middle Eastern countries whose main problems are inadequate living conditions, lack of food, denial of rights to social protection and employment.

There has been a significant change in the perception of the position of a woman in society in Hong Kong – whereas previously women were generally identified as mothers and carriers of a child, husband and household care role (largely contributed to by the Confucian philosophical tradition in which it is the duty of a woman to be inferior to a man), today the image of an emancipated woman - independent, educated and employed, is prevailing. However, women in Hong Kong are still under-represented in managerial and official's positions, as well as in the bodies of executive power, which is why women are excluded from decision-making processes.

Even though these two countries are on two different continents and at different level of economic development and have different cultural and historical heritage, in an interview with students we came to the conclusion that the problems we face are similar and that it is necessary to further improve the position of women, national minorities, refugees and other marginalized groups, in order to build an equal and tolerant society.

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Praxis means action
Praxis means action
Praxis means action
Praxis means action