Non-governmental organization Praxis held a press conference and presented the report on the progress made in exercise of status and socioeconomic rights, as well as in the field of protection from discrimination, on the occasion of the completion of the project “Contribution to Social Inclusion and Combat against Discrimination of Marginalized Population in Serbia”.
Praxis implemented the three-year project, funded by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, in cooperation with the Educational Centre of Roma from Subotica and Association of Roma Women “Osvit” from Nis. The goal of the project was suppression of discrimination and elimination of systemic obstacles in the access to status and socioeconomic rights for the marginalized population in Serbia.
Download: Social inclusion - progress and challenges
On the occasion of the completion of the three-year project “Contribution to Social Inclusion and Combat against Discrimination of Marginalized Population in Serbia”, funded by the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Praxis organized a press conference “Social inclusion – progress and challenges” in Media Centre. The report on the progress made in exercise of status and socioeconomic rights was also presented at the press conference.
Download: Press conference "Social inclusion - progress and challenges"
On the occasion of the completion of three-year project “Contribution to Social Inclusion and Combat against Discrimination of Marginalised Population in Serbia”, funded by the Royal Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Praxis held a press conference “Social Inclusion: Progress and Challenges” in the Media Centre in Belgrade. The report on improvements in the field of exercise of status and socio-economic rights was presented at the conference.
Praxis implemented the project in partnership with the Roma Educational Centre from Subotica and Roma Women’s Association Osvit from Nis. The undertaken activities were aimed at improving the position of and reducing discrimination against marginalised population groups in Serbia through providing equal access to rights and through advocacy directed towards overcoming systemic obstacles to accessing the right to be recognised as a person before the law and socio-economic rights.
It was assessed that by adopting laws or amending the existing ones, by developing a strategic framework for improving the position and fighting against discrimination of marginalised groups, and by undertaking various actions and activities, an important step has been taken towards improving their status and raising awareness of the unacceptability of further marginalisation. Nevertheless, the adopted legal provisions are often not implemented or they are implemented in an uneven manner, while many of the undertaken measures can be described as short-term and ill-adapted to specific needs of vulnerable groups.
Finally, it was concluded that there was still a need to advocate for overcoming the systemic obstacles in exercise of rights, and to pay attention to raising awareness of the public about the problems of vulnerable groups, but also to work on empowerment and education of marginalized groups and sensitization of state officials in public administration with an aim of better understanding and prevention of discrimination.
Report "Contribution to Social Inclusion and Combat against Discrimination of Marginalised Population in Serbia"
News at Media Centre
Video at TeVe novine
Video at Tanjug
News in Daily Press
Video at Radio Beograd I
News at Royal Norwegian Embassy
On the occasion of the International Day for Elimination of Violence against Women, Praxis expresses satisfaction because the Republic of Serbia has ratified the Council of Europe Convention on preventing and combating violence against women and domestic violence.
CE Convention on preventing and combating violence against women and domestic violence is the most comprehensive international treaty in this field. It calls on states to work on prevention and combat violence against women. This means that states are obliged to organize their response to all forms of violence covered by the Convention, so that the authorities may conscientiously prevent, investigate and punish the committed acts of violence. If they fail, the states are responsible for acts of violence.
According to the data of the network Women against Violence, from the beginning of the year until 21 November 2013, a total of 41 women were killed. All killed women knew the perpetrators, and in some cases violence was reported even before a woman was killed.
The Convention recognizes and pays special attention to multiply discriminated groups of women, such as migrants, refugees, Roma and others, starting from the fact that often, because of their residence status, they may be excluded from the support services. The specificity of such population groups is the fact that such persons have already experienced forced living of their homes or they are facing the extremely difficult social exclusion and marginalization. Some of them live in collective centres where living conditions are extremely difficult, some in unrecognized collective centres, and most of displaced members of Roma live in informal settlements. They are in a difficult economic and social situation, and their economic vulnerability sometimes affects their decision to leave their husbands more reluctantly. Their vulnerability is also reflected in the fact that they come from post-conflict areas, because an abuser’s threat causes a much greater trauma if he possesses a weapon.
Within the adoption of the Convention, the activities aimed at protection of women from violence are not completed. On the contrary, they have just started. The process of harmonization of domestic legislation with the Convention is ahead of us, in order to build a more efficient system of protection of victims and prosecution of perpetrators.
In this regard, we are calling upon the state to urgently initiate the harmonization of domestic legislation with the provisions of the Council of Europe Convention on preventing and combating violence against women and domestic violence.
On 18 November 2013, a panel discussion for members of Roma communities was held in Zrenjanin within the project “Equal Chances for Better Prospects – Strengthening Roma in Combating Discrimination” implemented by the Office of the Commissioner for Protection of Equality in cooperation with Praxis. The goal of the panel discussion, which was the part of information and education campaign of the Commissioner for Protection of Equality, was raising awareness about the term and significance of discrimination and human rights protection mechanism, and empowering of the members of vulnerable social groups in fight against discrimination.
In addition to the members of Roma community, the panel discussion was also attended by members of non-governmental organizations, andragogical assistants, holders of the adult education programme “The Second Chance” in the territory of the City of Zrenjanin, who stated that the most of the attendees are of Roma nationality.
The representatives of the Office of the Commissioner for Protection of Equality first presented the institution of the Commissioner, its organization and competence, particularly emphasizing that it is an independent body similar to many other institutions in Europe. Then the participants were acquainted with the legal term of discrimination and through an interactive approach and examples they pointed at the difference between the acts and behaviour that would represent discrimination in a concrete case and those that would not. Finally, expressing the concern about a small number of complaints filed by persons of Roma nationality and representatives of their organizations, the representatives of the Office of Commissioner acquainted the present with the procedure upon the complaint and called on them to react at acts of possible discrimination by filing a complaint to the Commissioner, even when they are not sure whether it is discrimination, since the procedure is free of charge and requests in regard to form of initial act are minimal. The publications of the Commissioner and a form of complaint in the Roma language were handed out to the present.
The representative of Praxis also contributed to the enlightenment of the problem of discrimination against Roma by pointing through the facts of the cases in which Praxis was the representative at the basic problems and impediments Roma face when trying to exercise the basic human rights, and danger of discriminatory acting towards them. Finally, she encouraged the present to address the Commissioner by a complaint. Praxis’ printed publications were handed out to the participants and the report “Protecting Roma against Discrimination” published in September 2013 was surely the most interesting to them.
The participants were able to take an active part and express their recent experience and observations in regard to exercise of rights. As, according to them, they were not acquainted with the institution of the Commissioner for Protection of Equality, precisely with their role, authority and competences, the panel discussion significantly contributed to raising awareness of the members of Roma nationality in the territory of the City of Zrenjanin about their right to equality and need to use the protection instrument for the stated right aimed at prevention of discrimination.
Radio Television of Serbia prepared a video clip about the Roma who were last year evicted from the surrounding of the Belgrade-based settlement Belvil and are not still fully integrated in new environments, which is proved by the recent protests in Zemun polje and unwillingness of local self-governments throughout Serbia to provide them the alternative accommodation and all necessary support.
On that occasion, Danilo Curcic, Praxis legal analyst, gave a statement for RTS.
See the video here.
On the occasion of the Universal Children’s Day, Praxis welcomes the efforts made to improve the position of children in Serbia. At the same time, Praxis is concerned about the children who were not registered at birth and are thus stateless. The right to legal personality and the range of related rights are inaccessible for hundreds of legally invisible children who are not recognized as persons before the law, and who are out of the system of health care and social protection. We remind of the Article 7 of the Convention on the Rights of the Child which Serbia has ratified and which envisages that the child shall be registered immediately after birth and shall have the right from birth to a name and the right to acquire a nationality.
In addition, Praxis is also concerned about discrimination against children, which is still prevalent in our society, and particularly the children from the marginalized social groups despite the existence of valid anti-discriminatory legal framework.
We call on all state bodies, institutions and other relevant stakeholders to pay special attention to children from the marginalized social groups in order to break the chain of social exclusion and to work intensively on development of tolerance, understanding, respect for difference and promotion of equality.
Jelena Milonjic, Praxis legal adviser, was the the guest of the journalist Gordana Lazarevic in TV show of Evronet dedicated to protection from discrimination.
Watch the TV show Combat against discrimination.