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Wednesday, 16 March 2016

How Easily We Access Our Rights

How easily or how carelessly do we access our rights? How much and in what way do we become aware of our rights or the lack of them? What is multiple discrimination and how it affects the exercise of human rights? How easy is it to access „rights guaranteed by birth“ at the crossroad of gender, racial and structural discrimination?

Even though “all human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights“, the credibility of the words from the Universal Declaration or legal acts of the Republic of Serbia guaranteeing equal rights to all citizens, may be best assessed by those to whom these rights, though guaranteed and universal in the paper, are inaccessible, denied and often unknown in everyday life.

We exercise the rights within the state system, as members of a political community, as political subjects. However, the persons who do not have evidence on their birth, citizenship and do not possess personal documents, are legally invisible. In Serbia, those are mostly Roma, who daily encounter numerous impediments to exercise of the rights.

We exercise rights or are deprived of them, in a daily interaction with the other members of society. 

We gain awareness about the rights through education and the availability of information. Without the information and awareness about their rights, Roma women are in an extremely vulnerable position. 

For more information, see: How We Fight against Racism, Discrimination and Intolerance: How Easily We Access Our Rights

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