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Tuesday, 27 August 2024

Opportunities in the hospitality industry – impressions – Andrijana

 When Andrijana applied for the training on the employment opportunities in the hospitality industry, she had already had some experience in this field. She worked at a pizzeria, then at a restaurant, at the position of chef and assistant chef. Of various fields in the hospitality industry, she has the greatest passion for culinary arts.

Being active, responsible and energetic, ambitious to learn more and constantly improve her skills, Andrijana applied for a three-day training that Praxis organized in Vranje, a lively town in the south of Serbia, well-known for its culinary specialties. Within the training, the participants had a chance to get acquainted with the basics of the hospitality industry, as well as legal regulations governing the field of work and employment.

“Within the training, I found the part about labour rights most significant, and I learnt a lot about the rights I have. I left my previous job because the owner of the restaurant I worked in had not paid me two salaries. Before that, I had worked without a contract and paid contributions in another place. I believe that I know more about labour rights now so that I can protect myself from similar employers.” Andrijana also states that her motivation to apply for the training was also the possibility of further learning and advancement.

Having completed the training, she applied for the internship which was organized in the Royal Putnik Hotel in Vranje, a new, modern facility, with professional staff and service, the capacities of which are constantly full. The management of the hotel expressed willingness and readiness to organize the internship for young Roma, having in mind the fact that there is a constant need for good and quality workers in the sector. Within the internship, Andrijana had the opportunity to get acquainted with various departments of the hotel, from the reception, rooms, kitchen, and to get better acquainted with the work dynamics of the hotel.

“We went through all the departments of the hotel, but the kitchen surely left the biggest impression on me. It meant a lot to me to have been able to see and participate in the work, and I would, particularly, like to emphasize the teamwork of the staff. The speed and organization of work in the kitchen amazed me the most. When there is a big order, there is also a big responsibility, and you need to know where everything is in the kitchen and how it works. Besides, I had the opportunity to see how different dishes are made, which was additional experience for me.” She also adds that she was very pleased with the overall experience from the internship.

Given her dedication and hard work, after the internship, Andrijana was selected to receive additional stipend, to cover the costs of an additional course. Having im mind her interests, she chose an advanced course for chef. Regardless of the experience she had, she believes that the additional training in the field improved her culinary skills. “It is very significant, because it is not the same when you apply for a job without experience and without training. When you learn something, attend a course, it is very important for your future career and employment possibilities. Everyone is looking for some previous knowledge, speed, responsibility.”

Andrijana also left a great impression on the hotel management who monitored her internship and praised her engagement and responsibility. She currently works in a fast food restaurant but hopes that there will be an opportunity for her to advance and find employment in a new hotel that is about to be opened in the centre of Vranje. Either there or a at another more significant facility. We hope that the recommendations after the internship and additional course for chef will help her achieve her ambitions.

“Even though I was a bit sceptical at the beginning, I would recommend to others, especially young people, to use opportunities such as this one, if offered”, Andrijana states for the end.

The training, internship and stipends were organized and provided within the project “Improving access for Roma communities to employment opportunities in the hospitality industry”, funded by Hilton Global Foundation and Conrad N. Hilton Foundation. 


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