


Praxis je Komitetu za za ekonomska, socijalna i kulturna prava Ujedinjenih nacija podneo izveštaj o sprovođenju Međunarodnog pakta o ekonomskim, socijalnim i kulturnim pravima u Srbiji. U izveštaju je ukazano na probleme i prepreke sa kojima se pripadnici romske nacionalne manjine suočavaju u vezi sa ostvarivanjem prava na upis u matičnu knjigu rođenih i pristup ličnim dokumentima, prava na socijalnu i zdravstvenu zaštitu, kao i na štetnu pojavu dečjih brakova.

U izveštaju Praxisa ističe se da od 2014. godine, kada je Komitet u okviru drugog periodičnog pregleda o sprovođenju Međunarodnog pakta o ekonomskim socijalnim i kulturnim pravima uputio Srbiji preporuke za unapređenje stanja u ovim oblastima, nije došlo do napretka u rešavanju problema na koje Praxis skreće pažnju u svom izveštaju, dok se u vezi sa nekim pitanjima stanje i pogoršalo.

Tako se ukazuje da nije sprovedena preporuka Komiteta da se Romima olakša pristup ličnim dokumentima, kao i da interno raseljeni Romi koji žive u neformalnim naseljima, a još uvek imaju prijavu prebivališta u mestima koja su odavno napustili, u mnogim slučajevima i dalje ne mogu da prijave prebivalište u gradovima gde zaista žive. Posebno se ističe da se i dalje rađaju deca koja ne mogu da budu upisana u matične knjige odmah nakon rođenja, jer su još uvek na snazi propisi koji onemogućavaju blagovremeni upis u slučajevima kada majke ne poseduju lične dokumente. Nije realizovana ni preporuka Komiteta da se do rešavanja pitanja identiteta mora omogućiti pristup ekonomskim, socijalnim i kulturnim pravima.

U vezi sa pristupom pravu na socijalnu zaštitu, stanje u odnosu na prethodni ciklus izveštavanja ne samo da nije unapređeno, nego se čak i pogoršalo, konstatuje se u izveštaju. Tako su ustanovljeni diskriminatorni uslovi za dobijanje roditeljskog dodatka, koje znatan broj Roma ne može da ispuni, jer među ovom populacijom nisu retki slučajevi da sva deca nisu vakcinisana ili ne pohađaju redovno školu. Roditeljski dodatak i dalje je uskraćen i majkama koje ne poseduju lične dokumente. U međuvremenu je propisano i to da će građani koji ne učestvuju u javnim radovima, obukama,  treninzima i drugim oblicima društveno korisnog rada izgubiti pravo na novčanu socijalnu pomoć. Ovu pomoć ne mogu da dobiju ni osobe koje protiv bliskih srodnika ne podnesu tužbu za izdržavanje.

U izveštaju se naglašava i to da je osobama koje ne poseduju lične dokumente pristup zdravstvenim uslugama znatno sužen, te da im je omogućena samo hitna zdravstvena pomoć.  Takođe se ukazuje i na to da se u Srbiji ne preduzimaju adekvatne i efikasne mere koje bi bile usmerene na sprečavanje pojave dečjih brakova.

U vezi sa istaknutim problemima, Praxis je Komitetu predložio da Vladi Srbije uputi određena pitanja sa ciljem da se utvrdi da li Srbija preduzima ili planira da preduzme mere koje će otkloniti uočene probleme i prepreke u pristupu pravima.

Povodom apela Praxisa za izmenu propisa koji sprečavaju upis u matičnu knjigu rođenih odmah po rođenju dece čiji roditelji ne poseduju lične dokumente, Ministarstvo državne uprave i lokalne samouprave ocenilo je da je svim građanima omogućeno da ostvare pravo na upis u matičnu knjigu rođenih. Ministarstvo je u svom odgovoru navelo da postojeći pravni okvir omogućava svim građanima koji ne mogu da dokažu rođenje prema propisima o matičnim knjigama to svoje pravo mogu da ostvare u vanparničnom postupku utvrđivanja vremena i mesta rođenja.

Međutim, ministarstvo je i ovaj put zanemarilo činjenicu da novorođena deca čije majke ne poseduju lične dokumente ne samo da neće moći da se upišu u matične knjige odmah nakon rođenja, nego će radi upisa dece, roditelji morati da vode dodatne, često veoma dugotrajne i komplikovane postupke. Tako i pomenuti postupci utvrđivanja vremena i mesta rođenja najčešće traju više od pola godine, neretko i duže od godinu dana, a pri tom i nisu namenjeni osobama koje su rođene u porodilištima, već onima koji su rođeni kod kuće. Na taj način, Ministarstvo ponovo nije uzelo u obzir i činjenicu da  domaće zakonodavstvo i  međunarodne konvencije garantuju svakom detetu pravo na upis u matične knjige i to odmah nakon rođenja. Istovremeno, ministarstvo se oglušilo i na brojne preporuke koje su Srbiji uputile međunarodne organizacije, evropske institucije i komiteti UN-a, pozivajući je da omogući svakom detetu upis u matične knjige odmah nakon rođenja, kao i da izmeni propise koji to sprečavaju.  Podsećamo, stav Unicefa je da svako dete mora biti upisano u matične knjige u roku od nekoliko dana od rođenja, a ne nekoliko meseci.

Cilj inicijative Praxisa za izmenu propisa bio je da se svakom detetu bez izuzetka omogući upis u matične knjige, jer najbolji interes deteta uvek mora biti prevashodni cilj, a deca ne smeju da snose posledice okolnosti da njihovi roditelji iz bilo kog razloga ne poseduju lične dokumente. Svakom detetu se mora omogućiti upis u matične knjige neposredno nakon rođenja, jer bez upisa u matične knjige deci ostaje nedostupan ili znatno otežan pristup mnogim pravima, uključujući i pravo na zdravstvenu zaštitu.

Ignorišući apel Praxisa, ministarstvo koje je nadležno za vođenje matičnih evidencija pokazalo je duboko nerazumevanje značaja upisa u matične knjige odmah nakon rođenja, kao i nužnosti da svaka osoba bude upisana u matiče evidencije. Osim toga, iznevši ocenu da bi se omogućavanjem upisa dece čiji roditelji ne poseduju  lične dokumente u neravnopravan položaj doveli građani koji su dužni da prilikom upisa činjenice rođenja deteta prilože dokaze o ličnom statusu, Ministarstvo je pokazalo i nepoznavanje pojma pozitivne dikriminacije, kao i nerazumevanje izuzetno teškog položaja u kome se nalaze osobe koje ne poseduju lične dokumente. Pri  tome je gotovo uvek reč o pripadnicima romske nacionalne manjine, koji ionako spadaju među najdiskriminisanije i najmarginalizovanije stanovnike Srbije.

In August 2019, Praxis continued providing assistance to refugees/migrants, through information, psychosocial support, referrals to the targeted assistance provided by various organisations/institutions or covering the costs of transport to the asylum and reception centres.

A total of 1589 newly arrived refugees/migrants were informed about current situation in Serbia and the region, legal status and available legal options (seeking asylum in Serbia, assisted voluntary return to the country of origin, possibilities of family reunification abroad or resettlement to a third country when possible), accommodation in asylum centres (AC) or transit-reception centres in Serbia, means of transportation to the assigned centres, other rights and available services (medical care, psychosocial support, food, NFIs, various workshops for refugees/ migrants etc).

Download the whole Protection Monitoring Report for August 2019 here.

In April 2019, Praxis continued providing assistance to refugees/migrants, through information, psychosocial support, referrals to the targeted assistance provided by various organisations/institutions or covering the costs of transport to the asylum and reception centres.

A total of 833 newly arrived refugees/migrants were informed about current situation in Serbia and the region, legal status and available legal options (seeking asylum in Serbia, assisted voluntary return to the country of origin, possibilities of family reunification abroad), accommodation in asylum centres (AC) or transit-reception centres in Serbia, means of transportation to the assigned centres, other rights and available services (medical care, psychosocial support, food, NFIs, various workshops for refugees/ migrants etc).

Download the whole Protection Monitoring Report for April 2019 here.

In March 2019, Praxis continued providing assistance to refugees/migrants, through information, psychosocial support, referrals to the targeted assistance provided by various organisations/institutions or covering the costs of transport to the asylum and reception centres.

A total of 1060 newly arrived refugees/migrants were informed about current situation in Serbia and the region, legal status and available legal options (seeking asylum in Serbia, assisted voluntary return to the country of origin, possibilities of family reunification abroad or resettlement to a third country when possible), accommodation in asylum centres (AC) or transit-reception centres in Serbia, means of transportation to the assigned centres, other rights and available services (medical care, psychosocial support, food, NFIs, various workshops for refugees/ migrants etc).

Download the whole Protection Monitoring Report for March 2019 here.

In February 2019, Praxis continued providing assistance to refugees/migrants, through information, psychosocial support, referrals to the targeted assistance provided by various organisations/institutions or covering the costs of transport to the asylum and reception centres.

A total of 517 newly arrived refugees/migrants were informed about current situation in Serbia and the region, legal status and available legal options (seeking asylum in Serbia, assisted voluntary return to the country of origin, possibilities of family reunification abroad or resettlement to a third country when possible), accommodation in asylum centres (AC) or transit-reception centres in Serbia, means of transportation to the assigned centres, other rights and available services (medical care, psychosocial support, food, NFIs, various workshops for refugees/ migrants etc).

Download the whole Protection Monitoring Report for February 2019 here.

Throughout December 2018 and January 2019, Praxis continued providing assistance to refugees/migrants, through information, psychosocial support, referrals to the targeted assistance provided by various organisations/institutions or covering the costs of transport to the asylum and reception centres.

A total of 1352 newly arrived refugees/migrants were informed about current situation in Serbia and the region, legal status and available legal options (seeking asylum in Serbia, assisted voluntary return to the country of origin, possibilities of family reunification abroad or resettlement to a third country when possible), accommodation in asylum centres (AC) or transit-reception centres in Serbia, means of transportation to the assigned centres, other rights and available services (medical care, psychosocial support, food, NFIs, various workshops for refugees/ migrants etc).

Download the whole Protection Monitoring Report for December 2018 here.

Download the whole Protection Monitoring Report for January 2019 here.

Throughout October and November 2018, Praxis continued providing assistance to refugees/migrants, through information, psychosocial support, referrals to the targeted assistance provided by various organisations/institutions or covering the costs of transport to the asylum and reception centres.

A total of 2678 newly arrived refugees/migrants were informed about current situation in Serbia and the region, legal status and available legal options (seeking asylum in Serbia, assisted voluntary return to the country of origin, possibilities of family reunification abroad or resettlement to a third country when possible), accommodation in asylum centres (AC) or transit-reception centres in Serbia, means of transportation to the assigned centres, other rights and available services (medical care, psychosocial support, food, NFIs, various workshops for refugees/ migrants etc).

Download the whole Protection Monitoring Report for October here.

Download the whole Protection Monitoring Report for November here.

In September, the number of refugees/migrants met and interviewed by Praxis’ mobile team did not exceed 450 on a daily basis, including the newly arrived ones, the refugees/migrants accommodated in the Asylum Centre Krnjača and the Reception Centre Obrenovac and those who returned to Belgrade after unsuccessful attempts to cross the Croatian, Hungarian, Bosnian or Romanian border. In this period, Praxis provided assistance to a total of 1727 refugees/migrants, through information, psychosocial support, referrals to the targeted assistance provided by various organisations/institutions or covering the costs of transport to the asylum and reception centres. During this reporting period, up to 58 refugees/migrants were seen sleeping rough in the parks near the Belgrade Bus Station every morning.

Praxis continued its field work and provided a total of 1533 newly arrived refugees and migrants (1021 adults - 912 men and 109 women and 512 children - 457 boys and 55 girls, including 393 potential UAMs - all boys) with information and/or referred them to other organisations/institutions.

On 20 September, Commissioner for Migration, Home Affairs and Citizenship Dimitris Avramopoulos and Nebojša Stefanović, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Interior of the Republic of Serbia, initiated a status agreement that will allow European Border and Coast Guard teams to be deployed in Serbia.

Download the whole Protection Monitoring Report here.

In August, the number of refugees/migrants met and interviewed by Praxis’ mobile team did not exceed 300 on a daily basis, including the newly arrived ones, the refugees/migrants accommodated in the Asylum Centre Krnjača and the Reception Centre Obrenovac and those who returned to Belgrade after unsuccessful attempts to cross the Croatian, Hungarian, Bosnian or Romanian border. During this period, Praxis provided assistance to a total of 2073 refugees/migrants, through information, psychosocial support, referrals to the targeted assistance provided by various organisations/institutions or covering the costs of transport to the asylum and reception centres. During this reporting period, up to 74 refugees/migrants were seen sleeping rough in the parks near the Belgrade Bus Station every morning.

Praxis continued its field work and provided a total of 1794 newly arrived refugees and migrants (1296 adults - 1153 men and 143 women and 498 children - 446 boys and 52 girls, including 390 potential UAMs - 386 boys and 4 girls) with information and/or referred them to other organisations/institutions.

The refugees/migrants of other nationalities were from India (18), China (1), Bangladesh (74), Eritrea (5), Yemen (2), Libya (12) Myanmar (1), Nepal (4), Palestine (7), Somalia (14, Sri Lanka (1) and Turkey (1). Refugees/migrants arrived to Serbia via Macedonia (801 or 44.6%), Bulgaria (466 or 26.0%), Albania (65 or 3.6%), Montenegro (8 or 0.4%), Hungary (5 or 0.3%), BiH (8 or 0.4%) while 38 of them did not specify where they had entered Serbia and 403 refugees/migrants, mostly from Iran, arrived by plane.

The families and UASC waiting for registration or transport to one of the asylum or reception centres they had been referred to still had the option of spending the night in the aid hub Refugee Aid Miksalište, in the proximity of Belgrade Bus and Train Station. Info Park continued to provide one meal a day for newly arrived refugees/migrants, and occasionally covered the costs of transport to the reception and asylum centres. Beside Praxis and Info Park, SCRM organised transportation to asylum and reception centres several times during this reporting period. The MSF clinic continued to provide medical support. In this reporting period, there was no organised distribution of clothing and footwear in the field in Belgrade.

Download the whole Protection Monitoring Report here.

Praxis means action
Praxis means action
Praxis means action
Praxis means action