


Sunday, 01 January 2006 00:00

Report of Ombudsperson in Kosovo 2005-2006

2005-2006 Annual Report of Ombudsperson has been published.


Download: Sixth Annual Report of Ombudsperson in Kosovo

Wednesday, 19 April 2006 00:00

Minority Rights Situation in Kosovo

The Minority Rights Group's Report on Minority Rights Situation in Kosovo has been published.


Download: Minority Rights in Kosovo under International Rule

Wednesday, 31 May 2006 00:00

HRW: Not on the Agenda

The Human Rights Watch: Not on the Agenda - has been published.


Download: Not on the Agenda

Saturday, 31 December 2005 00:00

HRC Report on IDPs

HRC Report on IDPs in Serbia and Montenegro has been published.


Download: HRC Report on IDPs in Serbia and Montenegro

UNDP Report - At risk: Roma and the Displaced in SEE has been published.


Download: At Risk: Roma and the Displaced in SEE

Wednesday, 16 May 2007 11:05

Evaluation of HPD in Kosovo

You can download the Norwegian Centre for Human Rights/NORDEM report An Evaluation of the Housing and Property Directorate in Kosovo from December 2006 here.

Wednesday, 25 July 2007 12:44

HRW: Better Late than Never

Human Rights Watch Report: Better Late than Never- Enhancing the Accountability of International Institutions in Kosovo has been published.


Download: Better Late than Never - Enhancing the Accountability of International Institutions in Kosovo




The report represents an attempt at concise and comprehensive review of the process of local integration of refugees in Serbia and a suggestion of concrete steps to be taken towards expediting and facilitating this process. The document is based on the outcomes of the discussions held at round tables on integration in spring 2007 as well as on additional analyses of regulations and the current practice.

Download the Report by UNHCR Serbia, OSCE and NGO HCIT: Local Integration of Refugees in Serbia: Law-Practice-Recommendation.





Praxis means action
Praxis means action
Praxis means action
Praxis means action